Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Wearing my runner cap

Okay, I've really tried to keep from writing about my day job in this blog. I really wanted it to be about running and not so much about planning a run, but I've found the two really blur - especially now.
About this time of year, I start waking up in the middle of the night and frantically scribbling down some random marathon detail that popped into my head. Of course, once I'm up, I'm up for several hours. This results in excessive caffeine intake to get me through the morning, after which I inevitably crash. I try to fight it once I get home, but often find myself napping for an hour or so, after which I usually pull out my laptop and do more marathon stuff. And the cycle repeats...
Did you notice there was no "go to gym" or "get outside" listed in that daily schedule? Bottom line, this time of year is a workout routine killer for me. I fall into deep sleep deprivation, start eating whatever junk is in reach of my desk, and skip the gym in favor of a nap.
I find myself slipping into this rut again right now and the runner in me (however long she's been hibernating) knows that no matter how exhausted, exercise will always make me feel better, sleep better, eat better, etc. I've been trying to keep my "runner cap" on as we get closer and closer to May 30th, but it just keeps slipping off! The result is that I am quickly morphing into zombie. We're talking crazy, buggy eyes, random groaning, pasty white skin, the whole works.
I imagine a lot of you come across major disruptions in your running/work out routines and my question to you is - how the heck to you pull yourself out of the sleepy, stress-laden haze?

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I know exactly what you are talking about. The winter months are killer for me. With three boys still in high school and in a variety of winter sports, I find that my exercise routine becomes less and less like a routine. I always find myself struggling to get back into shape and into the routine in the spring.

    I like to sign myself up for an event right away in the spring and then another one or two throughout the course of the summer. This always motivates me to get back into shape and stick with a workout that gets progressively harder throughout the summer as I add distance and attempt to better my average time.

    My goal for next winter is to force myself to stay on track despite the need for sleep. I probably need to find an event in the middle of the winter to help with this goal.

    I mean really, we can always sleep when we are dead.....
