Thursday, March 4, 2010

Perfect pace

I have found it at last! My perfect pace. After struggling through a few painful runs riddled with side-aches and near-exploding lungs, I enjoyed an amazing 3 1/2-miler the other day. Turns out, my perfect pace is kinda slow, but that's okay! It's all about crossing the finish line in the upright position.
It was so great to relax into my stride and really enjoy my run. Bonus: I didn't feel like I was going to die when I was done!
I am now looking forward to my tweener race: The Shamrock Shuffle here in Madison. Thanks to your recommendations, I'm going to give it a go. I'm a little concerned about doing Observatory Hill out AND back, but it's just a new challenge to conquer- bring it on!
Maybe I'll see some of you out there. Cheers and good luck!


  1. Hello! Are you doing the 5k, or 10k shuffle? I'm signed on for the 5k, and do not feel ready at all. This is my first race. I just started running in January as a replacement activity for cigarettes. I love the change, but sometimes wonder what I've gotten myself into signing up for a race. Yeesh!

  2. I am signed up for the 10K - we'll see how that goes! This is only my second race, so fingers crossed :)

  3. Good luck with the Shamrock. You will do great!

  4. This is a response to Jessica's quitting smoking....CONGRATULATIONS! I quit last year and it was one of the hardest things I've ever done. Getting involved in running and racing is a fantastic way to learn how to listen to your body and give it what will nourish it. Remember, racing is all about YOUR intention - YOUR personal record, YOUR goals, YOUR experience, while sharing camradarie with others (who, by the way, are usually non-smokers.) Even if you come in last at the first race, please allow yourself to be PROUD of your story and the obstacles you are overcoming with every step. Again, CONGRATULATIONS!
